Monday, October 6, 2008

Japan- Acting like a little kid?

So I found a short little article about social pressures on women in Japan to conform to popular stereotypes portrayed in anime.

While personally I don't favor any anime titles that do this, I won't deny their existence (or how flat out boring and annoying they tend to be). The majority of the titles that portray the "cute little girl" as being the most attractive are fluffy romance series that I don't spend time watching, but a lot of girls do. After reading this I started to think about all the anime conventions I had been to, where American girls who spend a lot of time watching anime always acted bubbly and giggly to an annoying degree. I always just ignored it and said it was probably because they were just really excited for con or because they were dorky middle schoolers (anime has had a big flood of pre-teen fans showing up thanks to shows like Naruto being aired in primetime slots on cartoon network). But now that I think about it they're behavior might be the result of all those candy-coated titles that are being so readily translated these days (when I was younger most of the titles brought to the U.S. had been aimed at boys, so it was mainly giant robots and violent gunfighter anime where the only women present were as serious, dangerous, and gun-toting as the male cast, Sailor Moon was the closest thing to a "girly anime" in those days).

Obviously the whole idea is creepy to Americans. The whole concept of acting like a innocent child to be more desirable to us reeks of pedophilia. What you kind of have to understand and take into account is that in Japan, cuteness is everywhere. It's culturally embraced and celebrated on all scales (In government publications, public service warnings, office environments, military advertisements, and commercial airliners use cute mascots. Corporations sell millions of dollars in cute mascot merchandise; Hello Kitty, Pokemon etc). It isn't thought of as juvenile or inappropriate when used in almost any context, it's just the way things are, for whatever reason, it's just the culture. (And no, pedophilia is NOT endorsed)

But how do I personally feel?
I'm an American, and the idea of twenty and thirty somethings acting like children to attract men... well... as much as Japanese culture fascinates me... I think it's creepy.

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